Students in secondary school encountering Physics for the first time may find it a daunting task. Not only are there many formulas to understand and remember, but things like forces and light and waves may be difficult to visualise as they are not visible to the naked eye. Therefore, students require additional help to understand and master the subject.
Understanding Concepts from the Ground Up
In secondary school, students in the lower secondary levels will be introduced to Physics for the first time in depth. Students should try to understand the concepts and how they affect objects in real life. If a student lacks understanding on a certain topic, there are plenty of online resources which can help a student visualise such concepts. It is good for students to have a basic understanding of these concepts so that when they get to their O Level exams, they will not be confused by basic things which they should have mastered in lower secondary level.
Understanding the Formulas
Students exposed to Physics for the first time will be exposed to formulas governing all topics in the subject. Rather than simply memorising the formulas, the student should see how these formulas are used in the sample answers. The application of the formulas is highly important, as if the student is lost on how to use these formulas, they will not score well in the exam. Knowing how and when to use these formulas based on the key words of the question is something which takes practice. The best way to obtain this information is to look at examples of questions which other people have attempted.
Practicing with Past Questions
Although students are in secondary school and may be far away from their O Level exams, it would be good to look at O Level questions and try the easier ones if possible. Students should familiarise themselves with the syllabus and attempt more difficult questions so that they can get a headstart on preparing for their exams. Often, O Level questions follow a set pattern. Students who can identify the pattern and the demands of questions from the topics required will generally do better than those who are unaware of such patterns.
Performing Experiments for Physics
Students in secondary school will go to the science lab to perform Physics experiments. Although the lab is a different experience from studying in a classroom, students should take the experiments seriously and observe the way concepts in Physics are taught in real life. Lab sessions provide a valuable opportunity for students to visualise the concepts taught in theory, and students can use these experiments to better understand and grasp the concepts. Lab sessions should be noted down and taken seriously for the O Level paper which deals with experimentation. Often, when students only think about how to conduct experiments in theory, they will miss certain steps as compared to students who have paid attention when actual experiments were conducted.
Asking For Help When Needed
It is important for students to recognise when they need help, especially in the early stages of secondary school. Often, not understanding certain concepts can snowball into a lack of understanding which can be detrimental during major exams like O Levels. Students should avoid such a scenario by clarifying doubts with their school teachers or tutors from an early stage. The earlier the discovery, the more help the student can receive.
In conclusion, although secondary school Physics can be daunting, students should continue to persevere and try to understand basic concepts as best as they can. Students should remember that their teachers and tutors are there to help them answer questions they may have and that it is perfectly alright to ask for help when they need it.